Annual General Meeting 2020

Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:00 pm

Mabel Lake Hall

111 Shuswap Falls Rd

October 23, 2020
for fiscal year-end 2020-03-31

We held this formality to conform to B.C. regulations regarding Societies like ours. The short notice contravened some details in the Societies Act, but we were able to circumvent some restrictions of the COVID lockdown as imposed by Interior Health and the Regional District by opening the Hall one day early prior to the B.C. provincial election which used the Hall all day October 24.

Chair: Andrew Miller, Secretary: Russ Collins (Terri Deuling absent)

In attendance: Ken Caldwell, Ardis Miller, Doug Neill, Fred Smith.
Absent Directors: Joe Deuling, Terri Deuling, Mark Maksymiuk

Meeting called to order at 7:12

Fred moved to adopt the minutes of AGM April 17, 2019 as read, Doug 2nd Carried.

Chairperson's Annual Report (attached)

Treasurer's Report (attached)

Board of Directors Appointments
Ken resigned, while remaining willing to perform maintenance activities on call.

Adjournment 7:43