Middle Shuswap Water Stewards

This page links to sample testing results and other items about the watershed from Sugar Lake to Mabel Lake, not including the lakes themselves.

Shuswap River -- Oddfellows Campground

The Middle Shuswap Water Stewards is a combination of 2 groups of volunteers, the Cherryville Water Stewards (CWS) and the Middle Shuswap & Lumby Water Stewards (MSL). The Middle Shuswap watershed stretches from Sugar Lake to Mabel Lake. Cherryville Stewards are augmented by Claude Labine, who pays for his results. Together they concentrate on three creeks and some spots along the Shuswap River. The MSL group takes samples in the Bessette watershed, and also a couple of spots along the Shuswap.

Cherryville Water StewardsAlthough Cherryville results are on this site you're visiting, The Cherryville Water Stewards have a (nice!) web site at https://www.crmc-cherryville.ca/thecherryvillewaterstewards,

Analysis of the samples gathered by these volunteers is funded by the Regional District of North Okanagan.

Map                Sites

CARO Reports see page bottom

Indexes to the test results as submitted to and reported by CARO (Kelowna), along with the Hach meter readings where available, are listed below.

Cherry Creek, Bessette Creek and Upper Middle Shuswap River Watersheds see page bottom

The number of constituents (analytes) in each test is vast, particularly for samples tested for metals. So some analytes have been selected as important or interesting, particularly if they have tended to exceed published limits with regard to the requirements of aquatic life or human recreation. They have been displayed in three watershed groupings from upstream to downstream.

N.B. The British Columbia provincial government has an excellent web site for tables of standards and discussions of what they are based on. http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/water-quality/water-quality-guidelines/approved-water-quality-guidelines
