About the Mabel Lake Community Club & Recreation Commission
The Mabel Lake Community Hall is located on the bank of the beautiful Shuswap River, just 16 km north-east of Lumby.
If you are planning a wedding, family reunion or some other special occasion, the Mabel Lake Community Hall may be the perfect venue for your event. Unless otherwise arranged, rentals will be granted only to residents of the community.
To find out how to book the hall and park, click here.
For inquiries, use this site's Contact Form.
— Constitution —
The object of the Society is:
To plan, promote and supervise community recreation and cultural activities by means of a Recreation Commission under the B.C. Provincial Community Recreation Branch.
i) To obtain funds, lands and buildings for future community and recreational activities in accordance with Sections 10 through 13 of the Societies Act.
ii) To maintain the real property of the Society and control the allocation of the use of such property for the benefit of the maximum number of members of the Mabel Lake Community.
To support the interests of the residents of the Mabel Lake Community in dealings with municipal, provincial and Federal Governments and other associations.
To promote the general welfare of the Community of Mabel Lake.
[Changes to these By-Laws are being proposed for discussion and ratification at some future general meeting. These changes appear at the bottom of this page.]
- A voting member shall be any person of legal voting age (Province of British Columbia) in residence in the Mabel Lake Community for six months and whose annual dues of $1.00 are paid. Dues shall be paid for the Society's fiscal year, April 1st through March 31st. Old Age Pensioners shall not be required to pay dues.
Voting members shall receive a copy of the Constitution free of charge, and shall have the right to attend all activities sponsored by the Society. There are no set obligations.
Membership automatically ceases the day a member moves out of the Community.
- The annual general meeting shall be held in March at the call of the Chairman. This meeting will receive annual reports and will elect Society officers from the membership to fill vacancies as they exist.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairman to deal with subjects of general community interest and where a general vote of the membership may be required.
The Chairman shall call a special meeting within seven days upon receipt of a petition signed by fifty percent of the voting membership.
- General and Special meetings of the Society shall be announced in writing to all members in an edition of the Society's newsletter "Stump Rancher" giving one full week notice of the meeting.
Three voting members attending a general or special meeting shall constitute a quorum.
A member must be present at meetings to have his vote counted. Proxy votes will not be accepted.
- Regular meetings of the Society's executive shall be held monthly at a time and place to be set at the discretion of the Executive in order to carry out the regular business of the Society. Individual Society members may be invited to monthly executive meetings upon the executive receiving a request within a reasonable period of time in order to include the members' business within the monthly agenda, and providing the executive consider the matter to be of pressing general community interest.
No member (except the mover, who may speak twice) shall speak twice on the same question except by permission of the chair.
Members' requests for the use of the Mabel Lake Hall shall be presented to the co-ordinator with reasonable notice.
The Executive or the general membership at a general meeting may grant or deny a request for private use of Mabel Lake Hall. A set fee for use of the community hall may be assessed. Private use shall be granted only upon receipt of a signed statement of financial responsibility upon such terms and conditions as shall be deemed necessary. Damages which occur from misuse of the hall may be assessed.
Members may invite two guests to Society functions. They are responsible for the guests. Guests are required to sign a guest registry.
- The Executive of the Society will be elected at the annual general meeting on a bi-annual basis (half the directors to be elected each year for a two year term in order to maintain continuity). The Executive shall also serve as the Recreation Commission.
The Executive of the Society shall be composed of:
Cultural Chairman
Public Relation Chairman
Sports Chairman
Maintenance Chairman
Chamber of Commerce Representativeand such other officer with such duties as the membership shall from time to time provide.
Directors and officers of the Society shall receive no remuneration.
- Duties of the Society's officers are:
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and act as chief officer of the Recreation Commission. He shall decide when and where all meetings are to be held. He will not normally vote, the exception being in the case of a tie vote, he may cast a ballot.
The Vice Chairman shall function as the chairman in the absence of the Chairman.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings and keep the minutes of these meetings. He shall conduct all secretarial duties required in the operation of the society.
The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of the Society's funds. He shall maintain a petty cash account. He shall ensure that all cheques issued are signed by any two of the three society signing officers (the Chairman, the Treasurer and one other designated officer.) He shall file with the Registrar of Companies, with the annual statement, a list of the Society's directors, their addresses and occupations, the number of voting members as of the date of the statement and also the number of non-voting members. The list of directors shall state the date of appointment or election of each director. He shall also maintain a register of Members, all in accordance with Sections 32, 33 and 35 of the Societies Act.
The Maintenance Chairman is responsible for the general maintenance of the Society's property. He is authorized to directly call upon the general membership for assistance in projects.
The Chairman is primarily responsible for organizing the cultural activities of the Society.
The Public Relations Chairman is responsible for coordinating the use of the Mabel Lake Hall, gather news items of general interest to community residents, the editing, printing, and distribution of the Society's news letter.
The Sports Chairman is responsible for organizing and supervising sports activities for the whole community. He is authorized to directly call on the general membership for assistance in implementing the sports programs.
- The Chamber of Commerce Representative shall act as a liaison between the commission and the Lumby Chamber of Commerce.
Authority for the Society to borrow funds for the use of the Society must be granted by a majority vote at a general or special meeting of the membership of the Society.
The treasurer shall ensure that the Society's accounts are audited annually in March before the annual general meeting. He shall within fourteen days of the meeting file with the Registrar of Companies, a statement in the form of a balance sheet containing general particulars of the Society's liabilities and assets and a statement of its income and expenditures, audited by two directors, all in accordance with Sections 31 and 35 of the Societies Act.
The custody and use of the Society's seal are the responsibility of the Chairman.
Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws and motions for dissolution of the Society can only be made following a written notice of motion to the Society's secretary who shall send copies to all members two weeks prior to the date for a general or special meeting of the Society, and it must receive a two-thirds majority vote of the assembled membership.
- Minutes of all meetings, general, special and executive shall be entered in books kept for that express purpose by the Secretary.
- A duplicate copy of the Constitution and by-laws of the Society will be furnished to any member, on his request, and on payment of fifty cents.
All books of the Society shall be open for inspection at any reasonable hour to all voting members of the Society, free of charge. Reasonable advance notice to the Secretary regarding inspection of the Society's books must be given.
- This present Constitution becomes effective immediately upon its adoption by a two-thirds majority vote.
Meetings shall be conducted according to Canadian parliamentary procedure, provided however, that the Chairman, may upon approval of a majority of those present at any meeting, provide for such other manner of conducting that meeting as shall be deemed appropriate.
The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried on in the Community of Mabel Lake, B.C., bounded by:
South East Boundary contained by the Shuswap River drainage from the N.E. corner of N.W. ¼ Sec 32 Tp 57 — Westerly to the Shuswap River Bridge N.E. ¼ Sec 12 Tp 40. From N.W. ¼ Sec 32 Tp 57 — Northward to 50 degrees 30 minutes latitude, 118 degrees 43 minutes longitude — being approximately ½ way up the length of Mabel Lake on the East side.
South West Boundary to be the S.W corner of S.E. ¼ Sec 10 Tp 40 — the East side of Rollings Lake Road and the N ½ Sec 11 and the N ½ Sec 12 Tp 40 — Easterly along Mabel Lake Road to Shuswap Falls Bridge N.E. ¼ Sec 12 Tp 40.
North West Boundary to be from N.W. ¼ Sec 15 Tp 40 and in a N.E. direction to 50 degrees 30 minutes of latitude, 118 degrees 45 minutes longitude being approximately ½ way up Mabel lake on the West side.
(Reference B.C. Map "Sugar Lake" Sheet 82 L/SE.)
The existing by-laws do not fully represent the M.L.C.C.&R.C. as it now operates. Follow this link to examine proposed changes.
Work in Process ...