Board meeting Minutes (unadopted)
Tuesday August 7, 2018, 7 PM at Doug & Kate's
Present Ken Caldwell, Russ Collins (Sec.), Andrew Miller (Chair), Doug Neill
Call to order 7:08
Agenda – no changes
Minutes of June 19 Meeting – motion to accept by Russ, 2nd by Ken.
Pot Luck Dinner Discussion - Andrew to bring & BBQ 2 beef roasts.
- Maintenance Report - Ken
- The pump will be installed in the new well on September 1. Mal Johnston will donate his time, with help from Ken and his wife Leta.
- Carl Foisy has been engaged for the 31st of August to dig the trench required for connecting power and water between the Hall and the well. He'll be requested at the time to continue a shallow trench from the well to the large gazebo, in preparation for running electricity from the Hall to that gazebo.
- Carl will also dig a hole at the location of the outhouse. Andrew will request funding for a waterproof tank for under the outhouse.
- Russ will email Mark (absent) concerning what he has received about construction of new signage at Mabel Lake Rd and at the turn-off from Shuswap Falls Rd.
- Someone has done "donuts" in the parking lot, spewing gravel everywhere. Upon recurrence of this problem the board will consider cameras (perhaps fake) mounted so as to (appear to) be able to record license plates.
- Ken will draw up a small sign explaining how visitors should use the light inside the main door.
- We require lighting and sound equipment for performances, such as Talent Night. Joe uses his own equipment and lends it for events. Russ has halogen photo studio lighting. But the Club should have its own sound equipment, and LED lighting. Russ will look into acquiring both.
Financial Report - Russ
$17.6K in the bank with unremarkable outstanding payables.
Burger Night #2 made a profit of $203.84; #1 had lost $221.45, so we're approximately break-even.
Rentals Report - Doug
A large wedding has just finished.
The Cadets are there tonight for the 3rd and last time this year.
Jam Camp starts Sunday coming, running until Friday (payment, including deposit, in the mail!).
No rentals then until September and October.
Some rental events host guests from out of town who would like to camp on site the evening prior to the event. Doug will discuss the insurance implications with Lisa Frey (the agent for Capri brokers, to whom we refer clients for their purchase of liability insurance). Until something more definitive, Doug will have discretion on his responses to this sort of request.
- Events Report - Terri absent
Old Business
The new commercial dishwasher was used and much appreciated by wedding event.
Update of rental agreement “obligations of the tenant” has been completed in accordance with the changes suggested by Andrew at a meeting for that purpose in late July. Andrew (and others) to read the new
Obligations and propose corrections.
Basketball Hoops disposition: Russ to post on Kijiji and Castanet.
Huguette (and Don Elzer) will present the Interpretation Centre proposal at the next board meeting, or earlier if it can be arranged.
Doug has purchased an electric mosquito 'zapper', which is generally considered ineffective given the numbers and provenance of the insects, and the limited duration of its possible use.
Next meeting October 9 at Andrew & Ardis'.
Adjournment 8:34.