How to Rent the Mabel Lake Community Hall & Tolley Park

Shuswap River near Hall
Please take the following steps to rent
Register your contact info with us, to tell us all we need to know about you. No details of your identity will be revealed, without your permission, to anyone other than our administrator. On the other hand, if you want to publicize your event, we can help!
Once our administrator approves your registration, you'll be able to fill in the online form to choose your rental package.
Scroll down to Applying to Rent for the rest of this process.
Prior to providing access to the Hall for the rental period (i.e. giving you your code for the front door lock), our administrator will require proof of Special Events liability insurance naming the Mabel Lake Community Club & Recreation Commission, as well as the Regional District of North Okanagan, as named insured. Lisa Frey at Capri CMW in Vernon (250-541-7159) has provided reasonable rates for several of our renters in the past, or you can purchase it online at, or search for "special events liability insurance british columbia". Purchasing online avoids brokerage fees, but hasn't necessarily proven cheaper.
You'll need to inform the insurer whether alcoholic beverages will be available at your event.
Refer to for B.C. conditions allowing alcoholic beverages at your event. In particular you should know that you may not allow the people attending the event to bring their own liquor, at either a private or a public special event. Although the Hall administration will not monitor conditions in this regard during your event, the police may, and have been known to. More importantly, your event insurance could be voided in case of a claim where alcohol is involved but not authorized.
Overnight camping is permitted bridging a rental period of 2 days or more. No hook-ups are available. No open fires are permitted.
- Register
- wait for approval email
- Log in
- Access Hall Use Agreement via link at bottom of resulting screen
- save Hall Use Agreement as Draft
- inform Hall admin
- Log in
- Edit Agreement for your Package
- Preview, then agree to Hall Use Agreement
- make the agreed deposit, by either
- email transfer, or
- cheque