Board Meeting 2017-11-07

Tue Nov 7, 2017 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Doug & Kate's

1684 Mabel Lake Rd

MLCC Board meeting Minutes
Tuesday November 7, 7:00 PM at Doug and Kate Neill's place.

Chair: Rita Romei, Secretary: Huguette Allen. Call to order: 7:20

In attendance: Huguette Allen, Ken Caldwell, Russ Collins, Terri Deuling, Doug Neill, Rita Romei.

1. Approval of Agenda:

Moved and seconded by Rita and Terri to accept the agenda as presented.


2. Approval of Minutes of July 26, August 21, and September 22 meetings:

2.1. Moved and seconded by Rita and Terri to accept the minutes of July 26 as read by Huguette.  CARRIED.

2.2. Moved and seconded by Ken and Russ to accept the minutes of September 22 as read by Huguette.  CARRIED.

The minutes of August 21 were not available. Rita and Terri both agreed to look for them and send them to Huguette to be formatted and presented at the next meeting.

3. Follow up from July 26 and September 22 Meetings.

3.1. Contract clarifications – After a short discussion on the difficulty and time requirements related to doing inventories after each rental, it was moved by Rita and seconded by Doug that we schedule a full kitchen inventory during spring cleanup and update contract documents accordingly


Russ also agreed to update the website with information regarding how to find and hire DJs.

3.2. Flat Fee for cleaner – After weighing the pros and cons it was moved by Russ and seconded by Ken to continue paying our cleaner an hourly wage since it saves MLCC money and allows us the flexibility to hire when needed for larger cleanups and to give reduced rates to friends of the hall


3.3. Rental Advertising - Huguette put two ads in LVT and advertised on FB but did not contact groups yet. Directors wonder whether our price increases are responsible at least in part for our lower rentals. It was moved by Huguette and seconded by Doug that Doug do a comparison among similar venues such as Cherryville's, Okanagan Centre, Kingfisher, Oyama, and then present his findings to the board


3.4. Receipts of hall improvements – Russ sent Tannis an invoice for just under $3,000 which was the amount Tannis had mentioned would be available.

3.5. Speakers and dishwasher for the hall - Russ has started looking into speakers but needs to talk more with Joe about it and will get back to the board closer to Summer. Rita has looked into dishwashers and found a commercial under the counter dishwasher that is not only a sanitizer and costs around $4,500 to $5,000 before installation. It will be stated as a priority in our wish list since Tannis agreed this was definitely needed.

3.6. Floor refinishing – Ken mentioned that the hall floor has many years left and that he has sanded and refinished the spots that were in need of touch up. Russ will tell Shannon to be sure to let us know of anything that needs doing.

3.7 - Campfire ban signs Huguette contacted Tony Clayton who said they paid to get theirs done. Rita will ask Tannis if RDNO can provide some otherwise we'll get 3 done next Spring.

4. Reports

4.1. - Maintenance Report – Ken suggest we wait till after frost for gravel and then get it levelled as we also fill in the area where it washed out last year. Rita will ask Tannis who is responsible for the road.

Ken also replaced the furnace filters and suggests putting a roof over the stairs of the gazebo in the spring as well as railings.

LED replacements have been ordered for outside deck lights as well as a track light. The motion sensor light that has been installed at the door is not working for us so we will need a switch installed. The snow stops are all done as are the mechanisms on bathroom doors.

Here is our Wish List in priority order:

  1. hand railing on gazebos’ stairs

  2. roof over big gazebo stairs

  3. Dishwasher

  4. Deck lighting

  5. light switch at the front door

  6. gravel on parking lot and at the end of the wheelchair ramp

  7. repainting of bathroom & stipple

  8. repainting hall walls and wainscotting

  9. concession window

4.2 -Financial Report – Russ reports that we have $21,776. in the bank and that our outstanding payables bring it down to $20,737. We also have $3,000 receivables from RDNO giving us a balance of around $23,000.

Doug asked about the source of the large hydro bill - $223.85 for 3 months which was 41% more than last year when we had very few rentals. It could be a meter reading issue or perhaps people plugging into our power? We all agreed to make sure that breakers will be used to turn off our power when not needed.

4.3 - Rentals Report : nothing to report for now – Total rentals since April 1st are $1,834.84 after expenses.

4.4 - Sport Reports: n/a

4.5 - Events Report: River cleanup cost us $125. Rita mentioned it might be best if done earlier in the year but it proves problematic for Charles.

4.6 - Promotion and Communications:

Huguette reported that Carla Vierke is willing to donate a large artistic salmon screen to the hall so that we can use it as part of our interpretive activities. She and Huguette will bring it to the hall soon so we can decide where and how to display it. The artist who created it has agreed to send us information about the fish life portrayed on it.

Huguette also reported the information and warnings shared by Lavington and Coldstream residents and group representatives at the October SENS meeting. The most important statements they made are that once one of these industrial orchards start in a community, there is nothing that can be done to stop them so that people have to live with the noise and pollution or move away without selling their place because no one wants to buy near these industries. They said that owners are always on the lookout for cheap land and that we would be well advised to act soon. They proposed some motions we could try and get passed that might deter them from coming in this area. There are precedents for the motions proposed.

After discussing how this might affect us it was agreed that since a vineyard now exists in Cherryville it is not unlikely that land with southern exposure would be used for such industries here and that if this were the case it would negatively affect current farming operations and the rural atmosphere of the valley.

It was decided that MLCC should share this information with our members by inviting group representatives to the hall so our members can hear the information, ask questions and discuss how we see our community's future. Huguette has agreed to send everyone a blurb that will be inserted in the next Stump Rancher prior to the meeting date everyone agreed on which was Tuesday November 28 but has since been changed to Monday November 27.

4.7 - Overall MLCC Report - nothing to report.

5. Upcoming Events

5.1 Christmas Potluck and Carols. Sunday Dec 3 sunday - 3:30 to 7. We will again ask people to bring things they make and Huguette will ask Ardis to organize the carols. Terri will buy and cook the turkeys.

6. New Business: Nothing to report.

7. Varia:

8. NEXT Board MEETING: Wednesday Jan 17th 2018 at Doug and Kate's house.

9. Adjournment: Moved and seconded by Huguette and Doug to adjourn at 10:15 PM.  CARRIED