Board Meeting 2018-10-09
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Andrew & Ardis'
Meeting at Andrew Miller’s, in attendance: Andrew, Doug, Ken, Russ & Terri
Minutes from previous meeting accepted: moved by Russ, 2nd by Ken
DISCRETIONARY SPENDING “beef about the beef” provided by club for 100 Mile Potluck. Certain members of the executive have been given an allocated amount for discretionary spending for club supplies or business the money will be repaid by the club when invoices submitted.
-Russ expressed concern about spending club money on “parties” a discussion followed about duties of hall re spending. It was determined that social gatherings were part of the club mandate. We must take care to try and cover the costs of events.
-Liquor at parties - ½ the cost is the licence. Should we consider not getting a licence and not providing alcohol ie letting people bring their own alcohol? After discussing the options it was decided we couldn’t risk not getting a liquor licence.
MAINTENANCE Ken and Mike (RDNO) did water test of new well water in hall and it came back with high coli form count as Ken expected because the pipes in the hall are still contaminated. Mike made some suggestions and Ken used a 12% bleach to shock system to Mike’s specifications. Water test went out and results are not know yet.
-Some of the porch paint is worm off already. Maybe at spring clean-up we can repaint with sand for durability.
-Road Sign. Mark does not have time to look into purchasing a sign. Ken will make it his winter project.
FINANCIAL REPORT $14,400.00 in bank. Club events have all lost money.
HALL RENTALS Last event was Thanksgiving week-end. Last 2 events were weddings one left the hall quite messy and dirty. Shannon used the whole $200.00 cleaning charge to get the hall clean. The 2nd wedding left the hall very clean, only took ½ the time to clean, $100.00 charged by Shannon of the $200.00 cleaning fee paid by vendor. Doug given the discretion to refund unused cleaning fee where merited.
EVENTS REPORT We missed Turkey Bingo and had lots of inquiries about it and an offer to organize next year.
-Christmas Potluck December 9 at 4pm Dinner at 5:00 We will encourage people to bring handmade gifts for display and sale. Terri will buy 2 turkeys about 15lbs each and see if Dana Plecas will cook them on his smoker bar-b-que. Club will provide mashed potatoes.
-Sonja Peters asked about having badminton at hall. She was encouraged to go ahead and organize.
SECURITY CAMERA Ken looked into cameras, there are some good deals available, he will purchase one at some point.
OUTHOUSE Russ attended a meeting at Whitevalley Parks and Recreation- they didn’t say NO to a new outhouse. Russ has purchased a tank, Ken and Russ will contact Carl Foisy to dig in the tank and place the outhouse on top.
CONSESSION WINDOW is a danger. Andrew has looking into replacing the wooden door with a roll up aluminium cover, estimates came in at $1,200.00 - $1,300.00. All agreed it should be done.
ELECTRICAL UPGRADES still need a light on covered deck for evening events. Ken will purchase a track light to install.
PROJECTOR Rick Fairbairn hinted that RDNO might have some money to purchase projector. Mark did offer his new projector, we’ll see if it works and if not see what RDNO comes up with.
PHONE working well- long distance free for calls to Canada and continental US.
OLD DISHWASHER sold on Kijiji for $75.00
BB HOOPS and backboards: Russ is working at getting rid of them.
SOUND SYSTEM Russ has looked into components and will look into pricing. Ardis commented that we need good quality equipment. Ardis make some inquiries to see what would work best for our purposes.
INTERPRETIVE CENTRE Huguette still working on a budget and would like to make a presentation to board when it’s ready.
A caterer at an event commented that it would be nice to have a separate entrance into kitchen. If we had some movable panels we could make a wall from side door for privacy. Andrew will look into panels.
AGM Set for April 17th, 2019
NEXT MEETING April 2nd 2019 at Doug’s.