Board Meeting 2019-04-02
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Andrew & Ardis'
Board Meeting — MINUTES — April 2, 2019
Adoption of Agenda - Doug moved, Russ 2nd
- Adoption of November meeting minutes - Doug moved, Russ 2nd
- Reports
- Maintenance Report - Ken
Sign - Ken has put up the new sign with help of Fred. Sign looks good but lettering a bit small.
Security - Ken has 2 security looking cameras that flash red lights. Could be put up to deter vandalism.
Water - Plumbing from new well has yet to be done. Andrew has talked to Tannis and emphasized the importance of having it done before rental season.
- Financial Report - Russ
Received the $10,000.00 grant from RDNO on March 28 putting bank balance at the end of March at $18,727.38.
In addition we have additional funding approved for:-
Projector, screen and audio $5,000.00
Security system $1,000.00
Signage upgrades $1,000.00
Accordion room dividers $1,000.00
- Rentals Report – Doug
- Rentals coming along for the summer; July is almost booked up.
- The donated rental has been booked.
- Russ suggested Doug call cadets re: summer rentals.
- Events Report - Terri
- Set aside dates for summer events.
- Burger Nights, June 21 & July 12
- 100 Mile Potluck, August 24
- Maintenance Report - Ken
Hall Improvements - Andrew and Ardis will take care of purchasing appropriate projector, screen and audio system.
Signage Improvements - Ken had sign made and erected for $1,000.00 all in.
Accordion Dividers - Andrew has looked into different types and we’ll decide if we will purchase them.
Security System - Ken will look into purchasing new security system.
Water Hook-up - waiting for RDNO to redo plumbing in hall.
Whitevalley Donation - week-end hall donation purchased for $300.00. That amount was matched making a total donation to WVCRC $600.00. Week-end rental worth $1,000.00.
Outhouse Relocation - Building is up at Ken’s. The hole is dug and tank in place just need to place building and do some minor repairs.
Interpretive Centre - Huguette’s grant application was unsuccessful so plans on hold for now.
Bursary Selection - April 10 at CBSS. Andrew and Ardis will attend.
Changing Club Boundaries - No real interest or demand from anyone outside of current boundaries so no change.
Adopt a Highway - We’re now on the signs from Rawlings Lake Road to Sigalet Road.
Spring Clean-up - April 14. Terri will purchase refreshments.
AGM - April 17 at 6:30 No guest speakers. Russ would like to present some by-law changes to be voted on at AGM.
Russ will check with lawn maintenance people if they are still available.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm
Next meeting 7:00pm, May 7, 2019 at Doug’s