Board Meeting 2019-05-07
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Tue May 7, 2019 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Doug & Kate's
1684 Mabel Lake Rd
Board Meeting — MINUTES — May 7, 2019
Call to order 7:00pm
- Agenda - additions and approval
- Minutes of April 2 Meeting – adopted as read, Russ moved, Ken 2nd
- Election of Officers
- Chairperson - Andrew Miller
- Treasurer - Fred Smith
- Secretary - Terri Deuling
- Hall Rental Coordinator - Doug Neill
- Maintenance - Ken Caldwell
- Other Officers - Russ Collins, Joe Deuling, Mark Maksymiuk
- Committees
- Rental
- Maintenance
- Social
- Reports
Maintenance Report - Ken
Outhouse was put in place by the gazebo at the spring clean-up. Ken has spent time repairing the throne and sealing floor around the throne. Walls were squared and Russ, Fred & Ken stained the building.
LED motion sensor light put up.
- Andrew spread top soil on the low spots of the lawn and sprinkled some grass seed. We’ll need to set up sprinklers; Russ has some timers we could use.
Invoices for sign must be sent to RDNO so we can get reimbursed for the sign. - Ken has installed “dummy” security camera and signs to deter vandalism.
- Financial Report - Russ
- Fred assumes position for next meeting
- Some outstanding bills to pay but ± $19,000.00 in account.
Rentals Report – Doug
Rentals going well; no rentals until June; haven’t heard from cadets yet.
Events Report - Terri
Burger night June 21. Terri will get liquor license and make burgers the day before.
Highway clean up some time in June
Old Business
Projector and screen have been purchased. Screen is 9’ long. Use of projector and screen can be included in hall rental for a small fee.
Well water test results: still no news so boil water advisory still in effect.
Picnic Table Repainting: Ken will try sanding some down and re-staining.
Bylaw Changes: Burger night #1 to have a vote on changing by-laws (we need 12 club members present to vote).
Summer park maintenance: Mowers from last year have moved. Russ will advertise on Round the Block Lumby for a new lawn maintenance person.
- New Business
- Bat House project: Huguette will organize bat house building workshop. Club will provide kits with pieces cut and ready to assemble. Fred and Doug will look into plans for bat houses.
- Odds & Ends
- Next Meeting June 4, 7pm at Ken's
Meeting adjourned at 8pm