Board Meeting 2019-06-04
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Tue Jun 4, 2019 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Ken & Dede's
31 Shuswap River Dr
Board Meeting — MINUTES — June 4, 2019
In attendance: Ken Caldwell, Terri Deuling, Mark Maksymiuk, Andrew Miller, Doug Neill, Fred Smith.
Call to order 7:12pm
- Minutes of May 7 Meeting – changes and approval moved by Andrew, Ken 2nd.
- Reports
Maintenance Report - Ken
Security cameras: Ken ordered from Amazon but they were not usable, need to send back, he’ll reorder.
Picnic tables: Ken sanded down top of one table and stained top and bottom on boards with cedar stain, he hopes to do 2 per year.
Lawn – Cayden has mowed twice and is doing a good job. We need to let him know how to access rental schedule so he can mow before rentals.
Financial Report - Fred
Approximately $18,000.00 in VFCU account
Fred has received cheque from RDNO for $1,300.00, not sure if it’s reimbursement for sign or projector but he will check and proceed accordingly.
VFCU – Fred is still working through the process of getting signing authority on MLCC account. Should be soon
Rentals Report – Doug
Wedding booked a year ago and we thought our water woes should be cured by now. We’re still waiting for RDNO/Interior Health to lift Drinking Water ban so Doug will have to supply jugs of drinking water for wedding party.
No new rentals.
Events Report - Terri
Burger Night June 21. Terri will get liquor licence and do the shopping. Burgers will be made at the hall on the evening of the 20.
Andrew will bring potato salad.
Road Clean-up June 22, 9- 11am Rental at hall so we’ll meet at Hydro Park to distribute bags etc. Terri left a message for AIM but didn’t have a call back, will try again.
Old Business
Projector and Screen: arrived and will be put up on Burger Night. Andrew has paid for projector and screen; RDNO will reimburse the club and then the club will reimburse Andrew. MLCC will charge renters an additional fee if they wish to use the projector during their rental.
Well: RDNO/IH need 2 consecutive clear water tests to lift drinking ban. First test in April after plumbing failed. We don’t have the results from the May test.
Sprinklers: Andrew has set a sprinkler up with a timer so newly planted lawn is being watered and water is being flushed through system.
Bursary Presentations: Andrew will present both awards, one at CBSS and one at Seaton.
Lawn Care: Cayden doing a good job.
New Business
Signs: Ken has had new signs made at Sunshine Autographics. No Camping and Please be a good neighbour and cleanup after your dog. Mark will pick up.
Bat Houses: We need more information before we embark on this project; we need to know what kind of bats we have here to build the proper houses so it’s not a waste of time and harmful to bats. Andrew suggested we build bird houses instead. Doug will confer with Huguette to see if she wants to pursue the project.
- Next Meeting: August 6 at the Miller's
Adjournment: 8:00pm