Andrew & Ardis'

24 Cartwright Rd
Tue Aug 6, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Andrew & Ardis'

Board Meeting — MINUTES (unadopted) — August 6, 2019

Present: Ken Caldwell, Russ Collins, Andrew Miller, Doug Neill, Fred Smith
Attending: Ardis Miller
Call to order 7:06
  1. Agenda accepted without changes
  2. Accept Minutes of 2019-06-04: moved by Russ, 2nd Ken

  3. Reports

Tue Apr 2, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Andrew & Ardis'

Board Meeting — MINUTES — April 2, 2019

Tue Oct 9, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Andrew & Ardis'


Meeting at Andrew Miller’s, in attendance: Andrew, Doug, Ken, Russ & Terri

Minutes from previous meeting accepted: moved by Russ, 2nd by Ken


DISCRETIONARY SPENDING “beef about the beef” provided by club for 100 Mile Potluck. Certain members of the executive have been given an allocated amount for discretionary spending for club supplies or business the money will be repaid by the club when invoices submitted. 

Tue Jun 19, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Andrew & Ardis'
Board meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 19, 2018, 7 PM at Andrew & Ardis'
— 3rd meeting of new board following AGM 
Present: Ken Caldwell, Russ Collins, Terri Deuling (Sec.), Mark Maksymiuk, Andrew Miller (Chair), Doug Neill
In Attendance: Ardis Laine
Call to order 7:++ 
Tue Apr 24, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Andrew & Ardis'
MLCC Board meeting Agenda
Tuesday April 24, 2018, 7 PM at Andrew & Ardis'
— 1st meeting of new board following AGM 
Chair: TBA, Secretary: TBA.
Present: Ken Caldwell, Russ Collins, Terri Deuling, Mark Maksymiuk, Andrew Miller, Doug Neill
  1. Approval of Agenda and Minutes of March meeting, moved by Mark, Doug 2nd
Wed Mar 21, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Andrew & Ardis'

MLCC Board meeting MINUTES (unadopted)
Wednesday March 21, 2018, 7:00pm at Andrew and Ardis' home.

Chair: Rita Romei, Secretary: Huguette Allen.

In attendance: Huguette Allen, Ken Caldwell, Russ Collins, Terri Deuling, Andrew Miller, Doug Neill, Rita Romei. 

1. Approval of Agenda: 

Moved and seconded by Doug and Rita to accept the agenda as presented.

